Border Enter the thickness of the border you want around your graphic. Note: If left blank, your graphic will not have a border (unless you used 'Is Link?' to define the graphic as a link). H Space This is the space that the web browser will place on the left and right of your graphic. Note: This field is optional. V Space This is the space that the web browser will place on the top and bottom of your graphic. Note: This field is optional. Height Enter the height of your graphic display, in pixels. Note: If left blank, the web browser will display the graphic at 100% size. Width Enter the width of your graphic display, in pixels. Note: If left blank, the web browser will display the graphic at 100% size. Alternative Text This text will be displayed if the web browser can not display your graphic because the user doesn't have a graphics-capable browser, the user's browser is not set to auto-load images, or any error occurs while loading the image. Is Link? Check this to convert your graphic into a Iink. After you press the 'Okay' button, Web Weaver will ask for the address that this graphic will link to. Is Clickable Map? Check this if you want your graphic to be a clickable map. After you press the 'Okay' button, Web Weaver will mark this graphic as a clickable map and ask you for a link to your map server. Alignment Use this pop-up menu to define how your graphic will be aligned when it is displayed. Select File Allows you to select a graphic file. This is usually useful only when using a relative link. File Name Enter the name of your graphic file here. Note: Make sure that the name contains the correct suffix (ie. .gif, .jpg, etc.). Directory Path Enter the folder/directory path here if the path to your graphic requires a link through folders. Note: Do not include the file name in the path. URL Enter the URL to your graphic here if you are using an absolute path type. Path Type Use this menu to select whether you will be using a relative path (meaning your graphic is on the same server as your HTML file) or an absolute path (meaning your graphic may be on a different server).